Barn Owl
Eurasian Eagle Owl
What an awesome weekend! The first day had terrible weather. But Sunday was beautiful, with cool winds and sun and HAWKS! I moved my booth outside despite the wind- it is against my morals to spend time inside if I can be out, especially with raptors on the horizon. My friend Ryan MacLean, fellow Bard grad and captain of the Quaker Ridge Hawk Watch, helped me get a spot right in the thick of the hawk watchers so that I could turn my binoculars towards the sky in between sales. And, to top it off, I was also right next to the Falconer: I got to watch a Eurasian Eagle Owl, Saker Falcon, Barn Owl, and Harris Hawk all day long. It was sublime.
Lookin good! Despite all of the wind...
I met a lot of great people and got to watch Bald Eagles/Sharp-shinned Hawks/Cooper's Hawks/Red-tailed Hawks all day long. Next up: Cape May!
Hawk watchers Ryan and Shawn celebrate another successful day with their new "Quick, Three Beers!" beer cozies!