International Vulture Awareness Day Bookmarks

Hawkwatcher Bookmarks


Field Guides

Printable Playing Cards

Printable Posters

Click on the image to open it up, then right-click to save it to your computer.

Downloadable Wallpapers

Click on the image to open it up, then right-click to save it to your computer.

Learning to Bird: Flash Cards

While there are many apps and field guides to help you learn your birds, I have always found that having flash cards I can carry in my pocket to study helps me learn the fastest! I have tried to highlight the key points to look for while in the field to make identification as easy as possible. These points are not meant to be a definitive guide, they're just what I use, and hopefully they can be helpful to you. 

Click on the image to open it up, then right-click to save it. 

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