Current Contest:
Contest closes August 31, 2016.
Baby Birds!
Some people consider summertime the "doldrums" of birding. Migration is over, and birds are harder to find as they remain out of sight raising young. But summertime is magical- baby birds are coming into the world and learning how to be birds! Watching them grow from weird, naked aliens (altricial chicks) or pom-poms on legs (precocial chicks) into awkward fledgelings and then, finally, birds ready to take to the skies is an incredible experience. So, this summer's contest will celebrate baby birds!
The purpose of this contest, besides offering participants an opportunity to win cool prizes, is to encourage reflection on one's experience in the natural world and to share that experience with others.
Contest Guidelines:
1. Participants must submit an artistic depiction of their story, whether this be traditional or computer generated art. While drawing, painting, etc are preferred for this submission, photographs are also welcome. To get some ideas, go to the community gallery to see what other people have submitted!
2. A written story must accompany artwork. This can be anything- a poem, a single line, an essay. It can even just be the name of the bird, though elaboration is preferred. Some sort of explanation of the artwork, whatever it may be, is required.
3. The winners of the contest will be picked randomly from the total pool of submissions. This is not a contest of skill or technical ability, but rather an opportunity to share your experience with other people in an artistic way.
3. Submissions will be added to the Drawing 10,000 Birds Community Gallery. By submitting your artwork, you grant Drawing 10,000 Birds the right to use and display your artwork on their website. No other use of the artwork is permitted, and all rights remain with the artist/author.
Now, the fun part! PRIZES:
Three winners will be selected from all accepted entries. Each winner will receive a $15 credit to the Drawing 10,000 Birds online store as well as a custom bird necklace of any bird of his/her/their choosing. Plus, you get the warm and fuzzy feeling of knowing that you are sharing a really cool story with the world!
Other Technical Things:
1. Drawing 10,000 Birds retains the right to modify or cancel this contest at any time.
2. Drawing 10,000 Birds will not share any submitted personal information in any form. If you do not wish to have your name included on your submission, let me know and I will label the artist/author as "anonymous."
3. You cannot submit work that is not your own, or that you do not have the rights to use. Entries of this kind will not be considered. Drawing 10,000 Birds is not responsible for any copyright infringement you may try!
Email to:
Or, message Drawing 10,000 Birds on Facebook!
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